News Release
PeopleMaps Launches New Low Cost Psychometric Profiling Test At Customer Contact Convention 2008
Glasgow 18 November 2008 – PeopleMaps today announced a new service that will guarantee to reduce staff turnover rates in contact centres by 5% within three months at the annual Customer Contact Convention in Edinburgh.
The new service has been developed in conjunction with the Customer Contact Association (CCA) to tackle some of the major issues that are facing the industry, including staff attrition rates, team development and succession planning.
The new online service, which can be accessed via the CCA’s web site at or from PeopleMaps direct, enables customer contact operations to create personality ‘benchmarks’ based on the profiles of successful employees in a variety of roles which they can use in their recruitment process. Importantly, the entire service is delivered entirely online and does not require any consultancy input to work.
“The benchmarks are created instantly online and every job applicant can be compared against this to determine which role they would be most suited to. At the convention we have launched our ‘unmetered’ low cost service so that contact centres can profile everyone applying for a position no matter how many apply. And if attrition rates are not reduced we’ll provide a full refund,” explained Martin Gibbons, CEO of PeopleMaps.
In a recent pilot in a customer contact centre in the West of Scotland, the company used this method and reduced the amount of interviewing that it had to do by 70% and after six months the monthly attrition or ‘churn’ rate dropped from 46% to 12%.
“As the industry average attrition rate is currently 24%, the potential savings for companies on recruitment, training and attrition costs are immense. It is estimated that it costs between at least £10k to recruit and train an individual, so when that investment walks out the door it hurts,” said Martin Gibbons.
“The power of psychometric profiling is already very well established but previously expensive to use on a large scale. Now using the internet as the delivery channel the new system has dramatically reduced the cost and provides instant delivery giving employers the insight they need in what is essentially a personality focussed job.
“People whose personality is suited to a job in any industry are happier and more productive. The profiling system simply identifies those people who are a natural fit. However, as there are many different roles in any organisation, no one should be rejected as their personality is likely to fit another position in the organisation that they might not even have considered.”