Firstly a big thank you to all 1,569 people who participated in the survey, where I asked “who feels they are in the right job?

The results were quick startling but it has taken me a while to fully appreciate the implications of these results. I have to say I was really surprised.

So what was the result?



So what are the implications of such a result?

Well for one, it means that companies wasted £15.47 Billion with recruitment agencies in 2013. 

Companies spent £26.5 Billion with recruitment agencies in 2013. If 58.38% of people feel they are in the wrong job, then it means that more than half of the time agencies got it wrong.

I don’t know about you but I think £15.47 Billion is a lot of money. Do you think there is a better way to spend that kind of money? I suspect so.

And remember that’s just the money spent with agencies. The chances are that a few more billion were spent by companies dealing with their recruitment directly.

If the direct costs run into tens of Billions, then the indirect costs must be over 100 Billion.

Indirect costs would include, the training costs, the management time, the loss in productivity, the absenteeism etc. . .

What does it mean to Employers

If your people feel they are in the wrong job and that there is something else they would be more suited to, then it’s very difficult to get the best from them. In essence you are looking at lower productivity and performance than might otherwise be possible.

Productivity affects profitability and competitiveness, so it’s downward spiral.

You are also likely to experience low engagement, high absenteeism and high staff turnover.

In short, poor recruitment goes straight to your bottom line.

What Does It Mean To Individual Employees?

Unfortunately this is a Lose:Lose scenario.

If you are in the wrong job then you can’t thrive and prosper. You will struggle to give even an adequate performance, never mind an exceptional one.

It’s hard to get promoted or headhunted when delivering an average performance. stress1

On a day to day basis, you are likely to be frustrated and bored. You may even find it stressful and we know that that stuff can kill you.

So what Should Employers Do About It?

Well quite simply you need to a long hard look at your recruitment process. You need to look at the candidates you are attracting and you need to look at your selection process. I suspect there is a skills shortage and a training need.

Let’s face it, if you just tossed a coin you would guess right 50% of the time. That’s an 8.38% improvement already. However I think you can do a lot better.

This is a billion dollar problem. So invest some money and some time into to solving it.

And What Should Individuals Do About It?

These results echo my own experience of the world and one of the largest problems job seekers have.

Quite simply, stop applying for the wrong jobs and you will stop landing the wrong jobs.

I know it’s easier said than done and I don’t mean to sound insensitive. However it’s a really common problem. Recruitment agencies contribute to this problem by sending you along to completely unsuitable jobs, simply because they need the commission. You don’t need to go to every interview an agency suggests.

Better still take control of your career and actually pursue something that you actually want to do. It takes the same effort to land a crappy job you hate, as it does to land a job you will love. It may require a different skill set and approach but it can be done. Go over to and see where I have helped others land their dream job.

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