Radio DJs really impress me. They are the masters of multi-task.
I have a friend who is a DJ at Insights Radio, a station run for the blind by the blind. I have been in a few times to the studio and it’s a master class in multi-tasking.
I don’t know ow you can listen to three things at once and press buttons, all the while conducting a meanigful conversation with a visitor. And Allan does all this while blind. It’s quite amazing.
I’m not a multi-tasker. A knife and a fork is stretching it for me and I usually put one down.
Well this week Talk Radio Europe interviewed me about PeopleMaps launching into Spain. Talk Radio Europe is the largest English speaking radio station in Spain.
It was Bill Padley that interviewed me and we did it live. We had a quick chat before hand which lasted the entire length of a record and then we were live on air.
The chat was mostly about our home town in Scotland, as it turns out Bill is from the same town as me – how strange is that.
Anyway, Bill asked great questions about PeopleMaps and personality and I managed not to ramble on and clog the airwaves (we both know I can go on a bit).
However I was very disciplined and kept my answers short.
PeopleMaps Spain is headed up by Luis so feel free to contact him direct if you prefer to deal with PeopleMaps in Spanish.
We are not only offering the PeopleMaps service to companies but we are also taking on board more people and training them to deliver the PeopleMaps service.
The companies in Spain have problems that PeopleMaps can help fix and we are keen to train Spanish people to do just that.
If you fancy it, then please get in touch with Luis.