PAs Admin & Secretaries – £25 each


PAs, Administration staff and Secretaries are vital to our companies.

It’s not enough that they are technically competent at their jobs – it is important that they get along with everyone too.

These roles have a lot of contact with people, so it is important that they get along with everyone.

It’s a broad job role but we have captured they key elements you need to know about in order to make excellent hiring decisons.

What’s in the report

This report has been designed to make interviewing quick, easy and effective.

It’s all too easy to have a “nice chat” but not come any the wiser or closer to making a hiring decision.

The report covers the key topics that are critical to these job roles.

Where to use the report

Use this report when recruiting any of the above job roles. It will enable you to walk into an interview and ask all the right questions and learn more about the person than you could on a weeks holiday in a very small boat.

Topics in the report

Overview Working together – are you going to get along?
Communication – how will you communicate
Influencing skills
Planning and Managing Resources and results
Programme and Project Management

adminplanning_sm– instant reports – no delays
– free reports to get you started
– no credit card required – no obligation
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You may also want to look at starting your own psychometric business. You can read about that here.

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